OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: External Ear

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Code Description Fee

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00


Z906 Removal of drainage tube(s) - under general anaesthetic, unilateral $66.50
Z866 Removal of foreign body - complicated, general anaesthetic $50.90
E303 Removal of foreign body - from middle ear space $202.35
E302 Removal of foreign body - requiring post auricular or endaural incisions $202.35
Z915 Removal of foreign body - simple $10.55


E311 Exostosis - endomeatal surgery and removal and drilling out of exostosis $243.35
E313 Exostosis - post auricular approach $362.55

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Z903 Exostosis - Pre-auricular sinus $62.95
E309 Exostosis - Pre-auricular sinus - general anaesthetic $208.05
E312 Exostosis - with multiple removal with necessary grafting $355.40
Z905 Local excision, polyp - hospital $50.90
Z904 Local excision, polyp - office $25.85
E301 Resection of pinna - with local flap $355.35
E300 Resection of pinna - with primary closure $248.05


Z909 Biopsy, ear canal $25.85
Z846 Biopsy, ear canal - general anaesthetic (if sole procedure performed) $50.90
E317 Incision and drainage of extensive haematoma of pinna with packing of ear and external compression dressing - general anaesthetic $139.95
E305 Incision and drainage of extensive haematoma of pinna with packing of ear and external compression dressing - Limited incision for perichondritis, removal of cartilage and drainage $155.30
E318 Incision and drainage of extensive haematoma of pinna with packing of ear and external compression dressing - local anaesthetic $92.40
E306 Incision and drainage of extensive haematoma of pinna with packing of ear and external compression dressing - Radical surgery for perichondritis $291.50


E308 Congenital defects - External - major $345.15
E307 Congenital defects - External - minor $219.60
E310 Congenital defects - Otoplasty for correction of outstanding ears unilateral $247.35
E304 Congenital defects - Reconstruction of total ear with cartilage graft (e.g. Brent Technique), first stage $619.35
E314 Meatoplasty or canalplasty for congenital malformation $297.25

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