OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Ophthalmology

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Code Description Fee

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00

Ocular Photodynamic Therapy

G461 Bilateral PDT per patient - per day $500.00
G103 Debridement of maxillectomy cavity $6.05
G420 Ear syringing and/or extensive curetting or debridement unilateral or bilateral $13.15
G403 Particle repositioning maneuvre for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo $21.15
G460 Unilateral PDT per patient - per day $330.00


G438 Colour vision detailed assessment - professional component $22.15
G850 Colour vision detailed assessment - technical component $21.50

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G424 Contact lens fitting - includes follow-up for 3 months except for patients under 4 years of age at the time of the initial fitting $201.00
G813 Corneal pachymetry - professional component $5.10
G810 Corneal topography - professional component $4.80
G437 Dark adaptation curve (Goldmann adaptometer or equivalent) - professional component $22.90
G851 Dark adaptation curve (Goldmann adaptometer or equivalent) - technical component $32.30
G453 Electro-oculogram - interpretation fee $41.60
G439 Electro-retinography with report - Full field electro-retinography - professional component $75.00
G852 Electro-retinography with report - Full field or multi-focal electro-retinography - technical component $35.00
G524 Electro-retinography with report - Multi-focal electro-retinography - professional component $75.00
G425 Fluorescein angiography - professional component $44.40
G853 Fluorescein angiography - technical component $23.20
G444 Fluorescein angioscopy - professional component $7.00
G854 Fluorescein angioscopy - technical component $6.80
G426 Glaucoma provocative tests, including water drinking tests $9.70
G428 Hess screen examination - professional component $6.85
G855 Hess screen examination - technical component $6.65
G463 Hydrophilic Bandage lens fitting $90.30
G811 Keratometry - professional component $4.80
G821 OCT unilateral or bilateral - active management of retinal disease with laser or intravitreal injections when the physician interprets the results and either performs the procedure or supervises the performance of the procedure $35.00
G822 OCT unilateral or bilateral - active management with laser or intravitreal injections $25.00
G823 OCT unilateral or bilateral - evaluation of an infant/child/adolescent with retinal disease and/or glaucoma (including genetic retinal anomalies and cancer) $35.00
G820 OCT unilateral or bilateral - glaucoma, when the physician interprets the results and either performs the procedure or supervises the performance of the procedure $35.00
G818 OCT unilateral or bilateral - retinal disease, when the physician interprets the results and either performs the procedure or supervises the performance of the procedure $35.00
G423 One eye only, when the other eye has been previously fitted by the same physician, with follow-up for 3 months $90.30
G427 Ophthalmodynamometry $9.60
G814 Orthoptic examination $25.00
G429 Radioactive phosphorus examination - anterior approach $42.45
G430 Radioactive phosphorus examination - posterior approach $86.05
G812 Specular photomicroscopy - professional component $4.80
G421 Subconjunctival or sub-Tenons capsule injection $27.70
G433 Tonography (to include tonometry) with or without water - professional component $9.90
G856 Tonography (to include tonometry) with or without water - technical component $9.55
G435 Tonometry $5.10
G147 Visual evoked response - simple - professional component $12.30
G149 Visual evoked response - simple - technical component $18.55
G150 Visual evoked response - threshold - professional component $19.20
G152 Visual evoked response - threshold - technical component $31.80
G436 Visual fields - kinetic (with permanent record) - professional component $14.50
G857 Visual fields - kinetic (with permanent record) - technical component $4.65
G432 Visual fields - static - professional component $26.95
G858 Visual fields - static - technical component $14.05

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