OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Skull And Mandible

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Code Description Fee

Application of dental arch bars, or splint, for facial osteotomy

R354 Interdental wiring for temporomandibular joint disorder $154.00
R652 Removal intermaxillary fixation devices under general $102.35


R433 Temporomandibular joint - unilateral $349.30


Z242 Bone - open $193.00
Z869 Bone - punch, simple $48.50
Z870 Bone - punch, x-ray control $120.70

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00


R280 Mandible $353.10

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R284 Mandibular condyle $276.55
R279 Maxilla advancement $440.15
R278 Maxilla, with exenteration of orbit and skin graft $532.95
R428 Temporomandibular meniscectomy $249.75

Incision and Drainage

Z234 Mandibular sequestrectomy $281.25

Orbito-Cranial Surgery

R653 anaesthesia - as sole procedure $2,196.35
R390 Bilateral periorbital correction Treacher-Collins Syndrome - with or without bone grafts* (extracranial) $1,699.45
R394 Cranial vault reshaping* anterior or posterior half $1,525.30
R393 Forehead advancement (bone grafts not included) - bilateral $1,443.95
R676 Forehead advancement (bone grafts not included) - unilateral $1,187.50
Z265 Harvesting of bone graft when not included - Costochondral or chondral graft - one rib $230.65
Z266 Harvesting of bone graft when not included - Costochondral or chondral graft - split cranial graft $204.80
Z263 Harvesting of bone graft when not included - Iliac bone graft $102.35
Z264 Harvesting of bone graft when not included - Rib graft - one rib $154.00
R376 Hypertelorism correction - intracranial approach* $2,334.85
R679 Hypertelorism correction - medial and lateral orbital wall osteotomies* $1,612.30
R678 Hypertelorism correction - medial orbital wall osteotomies* $1,228.70
R377 Hypertelorism correction - subcranial U osteotomies* $1,950.15
R681 Late correction traumatic enophthalmos - extracranial $1,443.95
R680 Late correction traumatic enophthalmos - intracranial $1,997.05
R399 Lateral canthoplasty - unilateral $204.80
R658 LeFort II, subcranial hypertelorism correction Le Fort I maxillary advancement* $2,928.10
R657 LeFort III and LeFort I maxillary advancement* $2,334.85
R656 LeFort III and subcranial hypertelorism correction* $2,590.35
R378 LeFort III total maxillary advancement* $2,037.35
R398 Medial transnasal canthopexy - unilateral $414.30
R381 Orbital cranial osteotomy - extracranial approach $1,121.50
R380 Orbital cranial osteotomy - intracranial approach $1,495.50
R391 Orbital dystopia - intracranial approach $1,950.15
R392 Orbital dystopia - intracranial approach $1,485.10
R655 Pericranial flap to orbit or face - bilateral $409.55
R654 Pericranial flap to orbit or face - unilateral $307.15
R677 Total cranial vault reshaping* $2,078.35
R675 Upper LeFort III advancement without occlusal change* - bilateral $1,443.95
R659 Upper LeFort III advancement without occlusal change* - unilateral $932.10

Orthognathic Surgery

R382 Anterior dento-alveolar osteotomy, maxilla or mandible - one segment $803.80
R383 Anterior dento-alveolar osteotomy, maxilla or mandible - two segments $932.10
Z239 Application of dental arch bars, or splint, for facial osteotomy - one arch bar $133.00
Z240 Application of dental arch bars, or splint, for facial osteotomy - two arch bars $204.80
R609 Combined LeFort I and LeFort III osteotomy in hemifacial microsomia $1,586.20
R396 Construction absent condyle and ascending ramus* $803.80
R395 Construction glenoid fossa and zygomatic arch* (Obwegeser technique) $1,402.75
R644 Coronoidectomy $307.15
R618 Coronoidotomy $204.80
Z354 Excisional biopsy of rib for tumour $142.20
R386 Genioplasty - one segment $384.60
R388 Genioplasty - three segments $767.85
R387 Genioplasty - two segments, or for laterognathia $575.45
Z339 Intercostal drainage with insufflation of sclerosing agent under general anaesthesia $182.90
R379 LeFort I advancement - in one segment $803.80
R580 LeFort I cleft palate - in one segment* $1,525.30
R567 LeFort I extrusion - in one segment* $1,315.70
R538 LeFort I intrusion - in one segment $1,059.35
R389 LeFort II maxillary osteotomy and advancement* $1,443.95
R145 Mandibular condylotomy $204.80
R518 Mandibular osteotomies for prognathism - sagittal split $932.10
R480 Mandibular osteotomies for prognathism - subcondylar $420.10
R384 Mandibular osteotomies for prognathism - vertical ramus $932.10
R529 Mandibular osteotomies for retrognathia, any technique - advancement - 10 to 20 mm, inclusive $1,058.40
R535 Mandibular osteotomies for retrognathia, any technique - advancement - greater than 20 mm $1,356.90
R520 Mandibular osteotomies for retrognathia, any technique - advancement - up to 10 mm $932.10
R588 Nasomaxillary osteotomy without LeFort I* $803.80
Z262 Onlay bone grafts or alloplastic reconstruction to face when not part of standard osteotomy for reconstruction - Frontal - bilateral $563.10
Z261 Onlay bone grafts or alloplastic reconstruction to face when not part of standard osteotomy for reconstruction - Frontal - unilateral $450.50
Z254 Onlay bone grafts or alloplastic reconstruction to face when not part of standard osteotomy for reconstruction - Mandible - bilateral $507.45
Z253 Onlay bone grafts or alloplastic reconstruction to face when not part of standard osteotomy for reconstruction - Mandible - unilateral $394.80
Z256 Onlay bone grafts or alloplastic reconstruction to face when not part of standard osteotomy for reconstruction - Maxilla - bilateral $507.45
Z255 Onlay bone grafts or alloplastic reconstruction to face when not part of standard osteotomy for reconstruction - Maxilla - unilateral $394.80
Z260 Onlay bone grafts or alloplastic reconstruction to face when not part of standard osteotomy for reconstruction - Temporal - bilateral $563.10
Z259 Onlay bone grafts or alloplastic reconstruction to face when not part of standard osteotomy for reconstruction - Temporal - unilateral $450.50
Z258 Onlay bone grafts or alloplastic reconstruction to face when not part of standard osteotomy for reconstruction - Zygoma - bilateral $450.50
Z257 Onlay bone grafts or alloplastic reconstruction to face when not part of standard osteotomy for reconstruction - Zygoma - unilateral $337.85
R647 Oral vestibuloplasty - with secondary epithelization $204.80
R648 Oral vestibuloplasty - with skin graft $307.15
R463 Posterior dento-alveolar osteotomy, mandible - both sides $1,187.50
R462 Posterior dento-alveolar osteotomy, mandible - one side $803.80
R385 Posterior dento-alveolar osteotomy, maxilla - both sides, separate segments $1,187.50
R351 Posterior dento-alveolar osteotomy, maxilla - both sides, single segment $932.10
R349 Posterior dento-alveolar osteotomy, maxilla - one side $803.80
R646 Reconstruction mandible with bone grafts* and/or plate or prosthesis - Bilateral - complete $1,023.95
R645 Reconstruction mandible with bone grafts* and/or plate or prosthesis - Bilateral - partial $819.15
R335 Reconstruction mandible with bone grafts* and/or plate or prosthesis - Unilateral - complete $819.15
R334 Reconstruction mandible with bone grafts* and/or plate or prosthesis - Unilateral - partial $409.55
R649 Temporomandibular ankylosis - excision bone or fibrous block $461.30
R651 Temporomandibular ankylosis - with construction of condyle and ascending ramus* $666.00
R650 Temporomandibular ankylosis - with insertion of prosthetic device or muscle flap $511.90
R502 Total U dento-alveolar osteotomy - mandible $1,228.70
R511 Total U dento-alveolar osteotomy - Mandibular or maxillary visor osteotomy for alveolar hypoplasia $1,146.40
R507 Total U dento-alveolar osteotomy - maxilla $1,315.70


R533 Composite repair for facial paralysis, plication of paralyzed muscles, and resection for paralysis of over active muscles $511.90
R532 Facial paralysis - dynamic slings $399.00
R531 Facial paralysis - static slings $307.15


D062 Dislocations - Temporomandibular joint - closed reduction $51.65
D063 Dislocations - Temporomandibular joint - open reduction $256.40
F144 Fractures - Midface fractures - cranialfacial separation $1,594.90
F143 Fractures - Midface fractures - middle 1/4 facial $577.65
F136 Fractures - Nasal bones to include manipulation of nasal septum - closed reduction $102.35
F137 Fractures - Nasal bones to include manipulation of nasal septum - open reduction $316.35
E174 Fractures - Orbit - blowout fracture of floor $667.00
E173 Fractures - Orbit open reduction rim/wall fracture - Zygomatic fracture dislocation $594.70
F150 Fractures - Orbit with maxilla - closed reduction and dental wiring $256.40
F142 Fractures - Orbit with maxilla - with wiring and local fixation $685.20
F138 Mandible - closed reduction, includes maxillary-mandibular fixation $350.00
F139 Mandible - open reduction, per fracture, to include intermaxillary fixation $575.00
F140 Mandible - removal of intermaxillary fixation device(s) $100.00

Surgery for Correction of Down's Syndrome Facial Stigmata

Z271 Augmentation of chin - Horizontal resection, red lower lip $184.60
Z270 Augmentation of chin - with autogenous bone or cartilage* $189.45
Z269 Augmentation of chin - with prosthetic implant $154.00
Z268 Augmentation of zygoma (bilateral) - with autogenous bone or cartilage* $230.65
Z267 Augmentation of zygoma (bilateral) - with prosthetic implant $184.60
R347 Bicoronal flaps $200.00

The information presented on this page is general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBCx or its affiliates.

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