OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: High Risk Pregnancies

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Code Description Fee

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Z778 Amniocentesis diagnostic or genetic $102.00
Z777 Breech presentation external cephalic version with or without tocolysis to be claimed in hospital after 35 weeks, once per pregnancy $60.35
P030 Cervical ripening using topical, oral or mechanical agents, maximum once per pregnancy. Payable in conjunction with P023 $58.60
Z779 Chorionic villus sampling $153.00
Z734 Double set up examination to rule out placenta previa, or trial of forceps failed leading to caesarean section (same physician) $58.00
P032 Emergency cervical cerclage when the external os is open to 2 cm or more and the membranes visible or prolapsed, any technique $250.00
Z776 Fetal blood sampling $40.80
Z773 Fetoscopy (may include fetal blood sample, cell harvest or amniocentesis or cordocentesis) $165.40
P025 Non stress test $9.65
P023 Oxytocin infusion for induction or augmentation of labour $67.75

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Z775 Pharmacological management of P.I.H. and toxemia by I.V therapy to be billed once per patient, per pregnancy $67.75
Z721 Pharmacological suppression of premature labour by I.V. therapy to be claimed once per physician after 3 hours of supervision in same institution $67.75
P031 Prophylactic cervical cerclage any technique $145.10
P034 Uterine inversion, manual replacements $125.75

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00

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