OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Foot And Ankle

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Code Description Fee


R620 Metatarsal/phalanx disarticulation $155.90
R621 Ray (single) $217.15
R623 Symes $285.80
R619 Terminal Symes $144.80
R622 Transmetatarsal/transtarsal $235.75


R552 Ankle - revision of arthrodesis $506.65
R471 Interphalangeal $151.85
R697 Metatarsaltarsal (fusion of one or more joints) $300.00
R477 Metatarsophalangeal $468.35
R696 Midtarsal, single joint $500.00

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R475 Pantalar, one stage $836.45
R695 Subtalar $627.35


R694 Ankle liner replacement $353.25
R453 Metatarsophalyngeal (Swansons, etc.) $289.50
R454 Metatarsophalyngeal (Swansons, etc.) - multiple $387.00
R456 Metatarsophalyngeal interposition - single $144.80


R688 Ankle arthroscopy setup, includes when rendered debridement, synovectomy, removal of loose body(ies) and/or screw, drilling of defect or microfracture and/or synovial biopsy $400.00
R689 Excision of Os Trigonum (sole procedure) $230.00


R504 Ankle - Midtarsals $144.80
R503 Ankle - removal of loose body, etc. $167.10

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00

Examination / Manipulation

Z224 Club foot, etc. - manipulation and cast/strapping - with anaesthetic $39.00
Z235 Club foot, etc. - manipulation and cast/strapping - without anaesthetic $19.45


R302 Bone - Bunion/bunionette $150.30
R307 Bone - Calcaneal spur $139.25
R282 Bone - Exostosis (dorsal, subungual) $100.15
R309 Bone - Metatarsal head $175.45
R305 Bone - Metatarsal head - Accessory navicular (scaphoid) $155.90
R308 Bone - Os calcis, talus $283.95
R299 Bone - Phalanx $127.15
R301 Bone - Sesamoid, one or both $142.00
R306 Bone - Tarsal bar $230.20
R266 Bone - Tumour (foot) $241.30
R420 Joint - Ankle synovectomy $273.75
R576 Soft Tissue - Excision of fascia for Dupuytrens (planter fibromatosis), one or more rays $322.15

Incision and Drainage

R220 Bone $227.40
R202 Saucerization and bone graft $387.00
R201 Sequestrectomy $193.00


R313 Club Foot - Complex reconstruction or revision of previous club foot repair (not to include simple tendon releases) $468.65
R408 Club Foot - Posterior or medial release $312.70
R448 Club Foot - Posteromedial release, lateral shortening, tendon transfers and fusion $371.20
R546 Club Foot -Plantar fascia release (Steindler) $165.20
R276 Deformity - Osteotomy - metatarsals and phalanx $144.80
R277 Deformity - Osteotomy - midtarsal/tarsal $242.25
R979 Deformity - Shortening metatarsal - Circular external fixation with multiple osteotomies* $911.30
R978 Deformity - Shortening metatarsal - Circular external fixation with osteotomy* $729.45
R977 Deformity - Shortening metatarsal - Circular external fixation without osteotomy* $583.75
R337 Deformity - Shortening metatarsal - one $225.50
R338 Deformity - Shortening metatarsal - two or more $272.80
R430 Forefoot - Claw and hammer toe $220.30
R355 Forefoot - Hallux Valgus - e.g. Joplin, McBride $413.65
R304 Forefoot - Hallux Valgus - e.g. Mayo, Keller $217.15
R360 Forefoot - Hallux Valgus - Major forefoot reconstruction, must include the first MP joint and a minimum of 2 other MP joints $711.15
R446 Forefoot - Hallux Valgus - Overlapping 5th toe $136.35
R363 Pseudoarthrosis - Malleoli $296.05
R555 Tendons - Achilles or tibialis anterior/posterior tenotomy - closed $132.70
R544 Tendons - Achilles or tibialis anterior/posterior tenotomy - open $171.70
R640 Tendons - Exploration tendon sheath $126.25
R560 Tendons - Tendon transfer foot and ankle - Graft $253.30
R565 Tendons - Tendon transfer foot and ankle - single $253.30
R572 Tendons - Tendon transfer foot and ankle - Tenodesis $258.90
Z243 Tendons - Tenotomy closed - more than one toe $97.35
Z229 Tendons - Tenotomy closed - one toe $49.20
R581 Tendons - Tenotomy open - more than one toe $193.00
R579 Tendons - Tenotomy open - one toe $87.20


D035 Dislocations - Ankle - closed reduction $111.35
D036 Dislocations - Ankle - open reduction $252.45
R402 Dislocations - Ankle -recurrent dislocation and/or subluxation $367.45
D027 Dislocations - Interphalangeal - closed reduction $57.50
D029 Dislocations - Interphalangeal - open reduction $151.25
D030 Dislocations - Metatarsophalangeal - closed reduction $57.50
D032 Dislocations - Metatarsophalangeal - open reduction $163.35
D033 Dislocations - Tarsus - closed reduction $147.60
D034 Dislocations - Tarsus - open reduction $298.55
D026 Dislocations - Tarsus - Tarsometatarsal - closed reduction, one or more joints $147.60
D028 Dislocations - Tarsus - Tarsometatarsal - open reduction, one joint $388.20
F075 Fractures - Ankle - closed reduction $144.80
F074 Fractures - Ankle - no reduction rigid immobilization $67.75
F104 Fractures - Ankle fracture with tibial Plafond burst - closed reduction $242.25
F108 Fractures - Ankle fracture with tibial Plafond burst - openreduction $644.30
F063 Fractures - closed reduction - one or more $98.35
F057 Fractures - Intraarticular fracture I.P. Joint - closed reduction $77.95
F059 Fractures - Intraarticular fracture I.P. Joint - open reduction $144.80
F061 Fractures - Metatarsus - one or more $49.20
F077 Fractures - open reduction - multiple malleoli or ligaments $571.30
F064 Fractures - open reduction - one $178.20
F076 Fractures - open reduction - one malleolus $309.70
F065 Fractures - open reduction - two or more $249.65
F072 Fractures - open reduction - with repair of both the subtalar and calcaneocuboid joints $588.20
F071 Fractures - Os calcis - closed reduction $161.45
F070 Fractures - Os calcis - no reduction rigid immobilization $97.35
F058 Fractures - Phalanx - closed reduction - one $72.35
F056 Fractures - Phalanx - no reduction rigid immobilization $49.20
F060 Fractures - Phalanx - open reduction $172.30
F067 Fractures - Tarsus excluding os calcis - closed reduction $165.20
F066 Fractures - Tarsus excluding os calcis - no reduction rigid immobilization $98.10
F068 Fractures - Tarsus excluding os calcis - open reduction $454.35
F062 Metatarsus - with rigid immobilization - closed reduction $67.75

The information presented on this page is general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBCx or its affiliates.

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