OHIP Billing Codes
Specialty: Pelvis And Hip
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Code | Description | Anes | Asst | Fee |
Amputation |
R631 | Hemipelvectomy hindquarter | 15 | 10 | $796.20 |
R630 | Hip disarticulation | 10 | 10 | $514.80 |
Arthrodesis |
R470 | Hip | 8 | 6 | $703.45 |
R469 | Sacro-iliac joint | 7 | 6 | $395.25 |
R514 | Symphysis pubis | 7 | 6 | $387.00 |
Arthroplasty |
R488 | Removal only - cemented | 8 | 6 | $557.75 |
R443 | Removal only - noncemented | 8 | 6 | $447.30 |
R491 | Removal only - Replacement acetabular liner and/or femoral head | 10 | 8 | $353.25 |
R241 | Revision total arthroplasty hip - one or both components - acetabular or femoral | 15 | 9 | $1,304.80 |
R481 | Revision total arthroplasty hip - one or both components - Reattachment of greater trochanter (late) | 8 | 6 | $290.55 |
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R440 | Total hip replacement - acetabulum and femur | 10 | 8 | $708.70 |
R553 | Total hip replacement with take down of fusion | 15 | 8 | $972.90 |
R439 | Unipolar | 10 | 6 | $490.95 |
Arthroscopy |
R686 | Hip arthroscopy set up, includes when rendered debridement, synovectomy, removal of loose body(ies) and/or screw, drilling of defect, microfracture, abrasion arthroplasty, and/or synovial biopsy | 10 | 6 | $669.80 |
Arthrotomy |
R415 | Hip - with removal of loose body | 7 | 6 | $301.60 |
R547 | Sacro-iliac joint | 7 | 6 | $290.55 |
Biopsy |
Z212 | Bone - punch needle | 0 | $89.70 | |
Z217 | Bone - under general anaesthetic | 7 | $72.35 | |
Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions |
G571 | Professional component | 0 | $96.20 | |
Physician-in-charge - 1st day
$223.10 | |||
G570 | Technical component | 0 | $118.95 | |
Physician-in-charge - 1st day
$223.10 | |||
COVID-19 Immunization |
G593 | COVID-19 vaccine | 0 | $13.00 | |
Denervation / Decompression |
N285 | Exploration and/or decompression and/or transposition and/or neurolysis of major nerve (excluding carpal tunnel nerve) | 7 | 7 | $256.15 |
R427 | Exploration, decompression, division, excision, biopsy, neurolysis and/or transposition - Denervation of hip | 6 | 6 | $387.00 |
N188 | Exploration, decompression, division, excision, biopsy, neurolysis and/or transposition - minor nerve including digital, cutaneous or lateral femoral cutaneous nerve | 7 | 6 | $153.70 |
N177 | Exploration, decompression, division, excision, biopsy, neurolysis and/or transposition - Sciatic nerve in buttock | 7 | 7 | $430.75 |
Examination / Manipulation |
Z252 | Manipulation - under general anaesthetic | 6 | $39.00 | |
Excision |
F115 | Bone - Coccyx | 6 | 6 | $208.80 |
R315 | Bone - Head and neck, femur | 6 | 6 | $452.90 |
R330 | Bone - Major resection tumour | 7 | 6 | $629.65 |
R216 | Bone - Radical resection tumour | 8 | 8 | $1,007.35 |
R639 | Bone - Simple cyst, etc | 7 | 6 | $338.75 |
R590 | Bursae - GT trochanteric/ischial | 7 | 6 | $201.40 |
Code no longer active
Fulguration of first polyp through colonoscope | 0 | 0 | |
R263 | Hip | 7 | 6 | $578.55 |
R423 | Joint - Synovectomy/debridement | 7 | 6 | $470.50 |
Z232 | Muscle/tendon - Tenotomy - closed adductors | 6 | $49.20 | |
R545 | Muscle/tendon - Tenotomy - iliopsoas | 6 | 6 | $266.35 |
Z233 | Muscle/tendon - Tenotomy - open adductors | 7 | $97.35 | |
R265 | Osteotomy - Pelvis - infant | 8 | 8 | $399.00 |
R273 | Osteotomy - Pelvis - other | 8 | 8 | $623.35 |
Z569 | Peritoneal abscess - Pelvic abscess, incision and drainage rectal or vaginal approach | 7 | $122.05 | |
R328 | Pseudoarthrosis - Hip | 6 | 6 | $872.65 |
R364 | Pseudoarthrosis - Pelvis | 10 | 8 | $580.90 |
Incision and Drainage |
R269 | Bone | 7 | 6 | $290.55 |
R250 | Saucerization and bone graft | 6 | 6 | $627.30 |
R249 | Sequestrectomy | 7 | 6 | $379.50 |
Reconstruction |
R570 | Iliopsoas | 7 | 6 | $520.60 |
R569 | Tendon transfer - Abductor | 6 | 6 | $339.65 |
Reduction |
D052 | Dislocations - Acetabulum - open reduction lips | 8 | 7 | $612.45 |
D046 | Dislocations - Acetabulum - open reduction one pillar | 10 | 6 | $967.90 |
D047 | Dislocations - Acetabulum - open reduction two pillars | 12 | 8 | $1,451.45 |
Z291 | Dislocations - Congenital hip - Application Pavlik Harness or C.D.H. Splint | 0 | $24.10 | |
R404 | Dislocations - Congenital hip - closed reduction (includes tenotomy and cast) | 7 | $190.20 | |
R406 | Dislocations - Congenital hip - open reduction (includes tenotomy and arthrotomy) | 7 | 7 | $472.35 |
R405 | Dislocations - Congenital hip - repeat (includes cast) | 6 | $131.80 | |
D042 | Dislocations - Hip - closed reduction | 6 | $268.25 | |
R628 | Dislocations - Hip - late, after four weeks open | 10 | 7 | $774.90 |
D043 | Dislocations - Hip - open reduction | 7 | 7 | $406.45 |
D061 | Dislocations - Sacro-coccygeal - open, removal of coccyx | 6 | 6 | $193.00 |
D059 | Dislocations - Sacro-iliac - closed, traction, spica, etc | 6 | $428.50 | |
D060 | Dislocations - Sacro-iliac - open reduction | 6 | 6 | $593.00 |
F098 | Fractures - Femoral neck trochanteric, subtrochanteric - closed reduction/traction | 6 | 6 | $426.90 |
R600 | Fractures - Femoral neck trochanteric, subtrochanteric - delayed/staged graft | 8 | 6 | $289.50 |
F100 | Fractures - Femoral neck trochanteric, subtrochanteric - open reduction pin and plate/screws (cannulated included) | 10 | 6 | $659.45 |
F099 | Fractures - Femoral neck trochanteric, subtrochanteric - open reduction pin only | 8 | 6 | $408.30 |
F101 | Fractures - Femoral neck trochanteric, subtrochanteric - open reduction primaryprosthesis, femur only (includes Moore, Thompson, Unipolar, Bipolar) | 10 | 6 | $669.60 |
F134 | Fractures - Pelvic ring - closed reduction | 6 | 6 | $442.45 |
F135 | Fractures - Pelvic ring - open reduction | 8 | 6 | $680.30 |
R642 | Fractures - Slipped epiphysis - closed reduction/internal fixation | 8 | 6 | $387.00 |
R607 | Fractures - Slipped epiphysis - closed reduction/traction | 8 | 6 | $387.00 |
R627 | Fractures - Slipped epiphysis - open reduction/fixation | 8 | 6 | $580.90 |
The information presented on this page is general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBCx or its affiliates.
OHIP Billing Codes
- Anaesthesia (01)
- Cardiac Surgery (09)
- Cardiology (60)
- Clinical Immunology (62)
- Community Medicine (05)
- Critical Care Medicine (11)
- Dermatology (02)
- Diagnostic Radiology (33)
- Emergency Medicine
- Endocrinology & Metabolism (15)
- Family Practice & Practice In General (00)
- Family Practice And Practice In General (00)
- Family Practive And Practive In General
- Gastroenterology (41)
- General Surgery (03)
- General Thoracic Surgery (64)
- Genetics (22)
- Geriatrics (07)
- Hematology (61)
- Infection Disease (46)
- Infectious Disease (46)
- Internal And Occupational Medicine (13)
- Internal And Ocucpational Medicine (13)
- Laboratory Medicine (28)
- Medical Oncology (44)
- Nephrology (16)
- Neurology (18)
- Neurosurgery (04)
- Nuclear Medicine (63)
- Obstetrics And Gynaecology (20)
- Ophthalmology (23)
- Opthalmology (23)
- Orthopaedic Surgery (06)
- Orthorpaedic Surgery (06)
- Otolaryngology (24)
- Paediatrics (26)
- Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (31)
- Plastic Surgery (08)
- Psychiatry (19)
- Radiation Oncology (34)
- Respiratory Disease (47)
- Rheumatology (48)
- Urology (35)
- Vascular Surgery (17)
- Bone Mineral Density (BMD) Measurement
- Chest And Abdomen
- Computed Tomography (CT)
- Fluoroscopy - By Physician With Or Without Spot Films
- Gastrointestinal Tract
- Genitourinary Tract
- Head And Neck
- Lower Extremities
- Miscellaneous Examinations
- Obstetrics And Gynaecology
- Skeletal Surveys
- Special Examinations
- Spine And Pelvis
- Upper Extremities
- Allergy
- Anaesthesia
- Cardiovascular
- Critical Care
- Dermatology
- Dialysis
- Echocardiography
- Electrocardiography (ECG)
- Endocrinology And Metabolism
- Gastroenterology
- Gynaecology
- Haematology
- Home And Self Care Services
- Injections And Infusions
- Injections Or Infusions
- Laboratory Medicine
- Nephrology
- Nerve Blocks - Interventional Pain Injections
- Nerve Blocks - Peripheral / Other Injections
- Nerve Blocks For Acute Pain Management
- Neurology
- Neurosurgery
- Non-Invasive Cardiography
- Ophthalmology
- Otolaryngology
- Palliative Care
- Physical Medicine
- Psychiatry And Respiratory Disease
- Sleep Studies
- Urology
- Anaesthesiologists' Services
- Assessments
- Emergency Department By Emergency Department Physician
- Emergency Department Sessional Fees
- General Information
- Hospital And Institutional Consultations And Assessments
- Other Premiums
- Special Visit Premiums
- Special Visit Premiums - Long-Term Care Institution
- Supportive Care/Monitoring By Surgical Assistant Of Anaesthesiologist
- Surgical Assistants' Services
- Temporary COVID-19 Service
- Anterior Spinal Arthrodesis Following Decompression
- Anterior Spinal Arthrodesis With Instrumentation Without Decompression
- Anterior Spinal Decompression
- Deformities Of The Spine
- Fractures Of The Spine
- Meningocoele And Myelomeningocoele
- Posterior Spinal Arthrodesis As Sole Procedure
- Posterior Spinal Arthrodesis Following Decompression Or Osteotomy
- Posterior Spinal Decompression
- Procedures Involving Neural Elements
- Procedures On Musculoskeletal Elements
- Revision Procedures For Spinal Surgery
- Tumours / Infections Of The Spine
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